gender issues

Video-based lesson plans

Whether your lessons are online or in-person, The English Flows’ lesson plans are the ultimate time-saver for ESL teachers working with adult and Business English students. Cut down on prep work and free up your time for what truly matters – guiding, coaching, and meeting your students' unique needs. Our current and highly relatable topics will keep your students engaged before, during, and after the class. We add 7-8 new video-based ESL lesson plans each month. Ignite their curiosity and inspire them to explore the English language further!

a clipboard with the words abortion law and a gavel on a wooden table, and a slogan "France enshrines abortion rights in constitution"

Collocations: verb + noun, and adjective + noun collocations with “law” (e.g. to pass, to overturn, to abolish, to amend a law; stringent, unenforceable, lenient, obsolete, draconian law)
Speaking: discussing constitutional rights, reproductive rights in student’s countries, proposing legal reforms, debates
Video: “France makes abortion a constitutional right”



Barbie and a slogan - Have you watched the Barbie movie yet?

Vocabulary: to hit the cinemas, to gain exposure, a blockbuster hit, to create buzz, to generate hype
Reading: 6 films with successful marketing strategies
Video: Uncovering Barbie’s secret: The marketing magic behind the most anticipated movie of the year!
