emotional intelligence

Video-based lesson plans

Whether your lessons are online or in-person, The English Flows’ lesson plans are the ultimate time-saver for ESL teachers working with adult and Business English students. Cut down on prep work and free up your time for what truly matters – guiding, coaching, and meeting your students' unique needs. Our current and highly relatable topics will keep your students engaged before, during, and after the class. We add 7-8 new video-based ESL lesson plans each month. Ignite their curiosity and inspire them to explore the English language further!

a businessman in a suit walking on a wooden log and a lightning hitting it in the middle, and the slogan "do you know how to deal with setbacks"?

Expressions: to move on, to hold a grudge, to do someone wrong
Speaking: setbacks and failure
Video: How successful people deal with setbacks



a woman jumping in a field enjoying the sun and a slogan - do you need a mental health day?

Vocabulary: feeling down, blue, overwhelmed, burned out
Phrasal verbs: power through, blow up, check in on someone
Grammar: used to, be used to, get used to


an illustration with emotional intelligence and a slogan - why is emotional intelligence important at work

Vocabulary: behaviour at work
Video: “What is emotional intelligence in the workplace”
Idioms: emotions (hold a grudge, go with your gut, be at your wit’s end)


a person jumping in mountains ans a slogan - what can we learn from sports psychology

Vocabulary: personality traits (resilience, self-confidence, drive, humility)
Mini grammar: the+comparative….., the+comparative
Video: “4 secrets from sports psychology you can use in everyday life”
