Lifestyle ESL lesson plans

For ESL teachers exploring lifestyle and culture, our video-based lesson plans provide a comprehensive approach to discussing a variety of engaging topics. Each lesson covers aspects such as alternative lifestyles, travel experiences, urban and rural living, digital nomadism, celebrations and traditions, and hobbies and leisure activities. These lessons are designed to keep students engaged while encouraging them to share and discuss their personal experiences.

all our worksheets about lifestyle and culture


a plave taking off and a slogan - what's your favorite travel destination?

*Formerly “Travelling in 2022”
Vocabulary: adjectives (breathtaking, crystal clear, bustling)
Functional language: evaluating experiences
Phrasal verbs: travelling (embark on, kick off, get away)


london eye ferris wheel in london and a slogan - London's worst tourist traps

Vocabulary: tourist traps (overpriced, touristy, overrated, tacky, to live up to, rip-off)
Vocabulary: giving cautions and warnings (beware of, watch out for, steer clear of, think twice before)
Video: The worst tourist traps in London



Beyonce singing at a concert and a slogan - what's the most memorable concert you've been to?

Vocabulary: types of events
Vocabulary: concerts (venue, to be sold out, to put on a show, performance, stage)
Speaking: conversation questions, benefits and problems of hosting a major event, planning an event


mezcal or mezcal paloma cocktail with grapefruit do you have a favorite summer cocktail?

Vocabulary: cocktail preparation tools
Video: “5 summer cocktails in 5 minutes”
Speaking: role-plays, conversation questions



cancel culture letter blocks concept on a laptop keyboard and a slogan - cancel culture vs freedom of speech

Vocabulary: call someone out, hold someone accountable, get canceled, backlash, public shaming, pubic scrutiny
Video: How does cancel culture work?
Speaking: conversation questions, debates, celebrities who got canceled


a woman reading a book and a slogan - do you like reading

Speaking: conversation questions, debates, brainstorming
Vocabulary: books (genres, adjectives to describe books, book formats, parts of a book and a story)
Video: Why you should read every day – benefits of reading


a family having a movie night and a slogan - why are family traditions important?

Vocabulary: collocations about family traditions (family gathering, family reunion, core values, lasting memories, sense of belonging)
Video: “Family traditions: 9 easy ideas and why they are important”
Grammar: “used to” and “would” to talk about past habits


a young man lounging on a bed on a balcony and a slogan - is a staycation as enjoyable as a vacation

Vocabulary: staycation ideas
Grammar: talking about the future (future simple, future with “going to”, and present continuous)
Speaking: conversation questions, creating and continuing a dialogue, evaluating ideas, making plans


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Lifestyle-Focused ESL Lessons

Try out The English Flows’ lesson plans related to lifestyle and culture if you are an ESL teacher whose students are:

  • Individuals interested in broadening their cultural awareness and understanding of different lifestyles, which can make language learning more meaningful and enjoyable.
  • Individuals who have recently moved to a new country and need to understand local customs, social norms, and everyday practices to better integrate into their new environment.
  • Professionals Relocating for Work: Employees moving to an English-speaking country for work who need to navigate cultural differences and understand local customs in both personal and professional contexts.
  • International Students: Students studying abroad who want to learn more about the culture of their host country, enhance their social interactions, and adapt more easily to the local lifestyle.
  • Travel Enthusiasts: Learners who are interested in global cultures and lifestyles and want to prepare for travel or cultural exchanges by improving their understanding of different ways of life.

Each ESL lesson plan is 5-8 pages long, and is designed to explore lifestyle and cultural topics in depth. These subjects are highly relatable and promote cultural awareness. Topics such as alternative lifestyles, travel, cultural traditions, and leisure activities offer numerous opportunities for meaningful language practice and interaction.

Every lesson plan includes

Pre-class online activities

In-class activities
(For Full members)

After class: Additional resources