Education ESL lesson plans

For ESL teachers focusing on the theme of education, The English Flows’ video-based lesson plans offer a comprehensive approach to exploring various educational topics. Each lesson covers key areas such as the educational system, learning styles, lifelong learning, challenges in education, higher education, apprenticeships, university studies, training and skills development, and effective learning methods. These topics are highly relevant and will engage students in meaningful discussions.

all our worksheets about education


a person at the beach holding a stone with "gapyear "written on it and a slogan - the benefits of gap years

Vocabulary: gap year experiences (volunteering, backpacking, internship)
Expressions: it’s up to you, swim against the stream, take a breather
Phrasal verbs: end up, figure out, let sb. down


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Explore our Education teaching materials

Try out The English Flows’ Education lesson plans if you are an ESL teacher whose students are:

  • Teachers, Educators, and Education students: Non-native English-speaking teachers and educators who need to improve their English skills to teach in English-speaking institutions or deliver lessons in English.
  • International Students: Students preparing to study abroad in English-speaking countries, needing to understand educational terminology and classroom communication.
  • Parents: Non-native English-speaking parents who want to engage more effectively with their children's education in English-speaking schools, including parent-teacher meetings and understanding school communications.
  • School Administrators: Individuals working in school administration who need to communicate with teachers, parents, and students in English.

Each lesson includes 5-8 pages of in-class material designed to thoroughly explore educational topics. Education is a broad and relatable subject that stimulates discussion and engages ESL learners. Exploring different educational systems, discussing learning styles, or examining the impact of technology in classrooms offers numerous opportunities for meaningful language practice and interaction.

Every lesson plan includes

Pre-class online activities

In-class activities
(For Full members)

After class: Additional resources