mental health

Video-based lesson plans

Whether your lessons are online or in-person, The English Flows’ lesson plans are the ultimate time-saver for ESL teachers working with adult and Business English students. Cut down on prep work and free up your time for what truly matters – guiding, coaching, and meeting your students' unique needs. Our current and highly relatable topics will keep your students engaged before, during, and after the class. We add 7-8 new video-based ESL lesson plans each month. Ignite their curiosity and inspire them to explore the English language further!

a woman in a sensory deprivation tank doing floatation therapy and a slogan - would you try a sensory deprivation tank?

Speaking: brainstorming vocabulary related to the senses, conversation questions
Video: How sensory deprivation and floating impacts the brain
Vocabulary: verbs related to the different senses (stare, gaze, eavesdrop, overhear, nibble, devour)


a photo of a woman in a field conveying feelings of calmness, and a slogan - how much time do you spend in nature?

Vocabulary: collocations with the verbs alleviate, boost, soak in, brighten up, and soothe
Vocabulary: nature sounds
Speaking: conversation questions, brainstorming


a woman writing things in her journal in a relaxing atmophere and a slogan - time for reflection!

Vocabulary: accomplishment, personal development, growth, goals
Video: Simon Sinek on how reflection informs personal growth
Speaking: conversation questions, memorable experiences, habits


a person drawing a mandala symbol and a slogan - have you tried art therapy?

Vocabulary: art supplies
Video: the mental health benefits of art
Idioms: colors (tickled pink, see red, in a dark place)



a woman jumping in a field enjoying the sun and a slogan - do you need a mental health day?

Vocabulary: feeling down, blue, overwhelmed, burned out
Phrasal verbs: power through, blow up, check in on someone
Grammar: used to, be used to, get used to


a woman leaning on a tree readgin a book and a slogan - do you dedicate enough time to self-care?

Collocations: take (take a break, take a rain check); set (set aside time, set boundaries), get (get some air, get in touch)
Functional language: How to say “no” to invitations
Grammar: verb patterns (gerund/infinitive): try, stop, mean, go on, forget, remember
