
Video-based lesson plans

Whether your lessons are online or in-person, The English Flows’ lesson plans are the ultimate time-saver for ESL teachers working with adult and Business English students. Cut down on prep work and free up your time for what truly matters – guiding, coaching, and meeting your students' unique needs. Our current and highly relatable topics will keep your students engaged before, during, and after the class. We add 7-8 new video-based ESL lesson plans each month. Ignite their curiosity and inspire them to explore the English language further!

a photo of people working on a computer, and a slogan "Can Europe produce its own tech giants?"

Vocabulary. to scale up, unicorns, brain drain, to raise capital, social safety nets
Vocabulary: types of funding (bootstrapping, venture capital, angel investors, government grants, crowdfunding
Video: Why does the EU suck at tech?


a person throwing away a computer, and a slogan "how can we combat throwaway culture?"

Vocabulary: verbs related to repairing things and tools
Speaking: consumerism, recycling, alternatives to throwaway culture
Videos: Repair cafés – what they are and why we need them


tractors on the road and a slogan "why are farmers protesting in Europe?"

Vocabulary: food production and climate (yield, harvest, crop diversity, drought, flood, pests)
Vocabulary: regulations (subsidies, red tape, tariffs, tax breaks, environmental regulations)
Vocabulary: protests (to take to the streets, go on strike, a march, to boycott)


a person leaving a 4-start review an a slogan - how to spot fake reviews

Idioms and phrasal verbs: get a leg up, a red flag, stand out
Video: How to spot fake reviews on Amazon
Collocations: pay attention, spot a fake review, gain a review
Writing: writing a review for a product or service


dictionary definition of the word monopoly and a slogan - do big tech companies operate as monopolies

Vocabulary: economic terms (market share, market power, economies of scale, economic barriers to entry)
Vocabulary: competition (competitive advantage, stifle/hamper competition, to corner the market)
Reading: anti-competitive behaviour (price-fixing, predatory pricing, exclusive dealing)


a tax form with a calculator and a pencil with a slogan - how do tax brackets work?

Vocabulary: taxes (income tax, file a tax return, tax deductions, taxable income)
Reading: the tax systems in the UK and the US
Video: How tax brackets actually work


a man giving a fift to a woman and a slogan - what do you think about St. Valentine's Day

Vocabulary: adjectives to describe St. Valentine’s Day
Vocabulary: money (cash in on, capitalise on, splurge, splash the cash)
Grammar: linking words (whether, despite, rather than, while)


shopping cards with coins in them, illustrating inflation and a slogan - ho do you deal with high inflation?

Vocabulary: economic terms (purchasing power, economic growth, youth unemployment)
Video: Inflation and young people
Speaking: how inflation affects you, ways to spend less
