
Video-based lesson plans

Whether your lessons are online or in-person, The English Flows’ lesson plans are the ultimate time-saver for ESL teachers working with adult and Business English students. Cut down on prep work and free up your time for what truly matters – guiding, coaching, and meeting your students' unique needs. Our current and highly relatable topics will keep your students engaged before, during, and after the class. We add 7-8 new video-based ESL lesson plans each month. Ignite their curiosity and inspire them to explore the English language further!

a person looking at a painting in an art gallery, and a slogan "a banana taped to a wall sold for $6.2 million!"

Vocabulary: expressions related to the purpose of art, and adjectives to describe art
Video: Winning bidder pays $6.2 million for duct-taped banana artwork
Reading: Controversial artworks that sold for millions


a photo of a comic colelction, and a slogan "why do we like to colect things?"

Vocabulary: expressions related to collecting (trasure trove, prized possession, hard to come by, a rare gem, declutter, hoard)
Video: “Hobby or hoarding: The psychology behind the drive to collect”
Speaking: collecting items, the collectibles market, investing in collectibles


a photo of burrs that inspired velcro, and a slogan "biomimicry: nature's design solutions"

Vocabulary: collocations related to inspiration (to draw inspiration from, to seek inspiration, the creativity spark, to serve as an inspiration, a burst of inspiration)
Speaking:  creativity, new ideas, adaptation strategies, designs inspired by nature, applications of biomimicry in students’ professional fields
Video: Biomimicry 101 – examples of how we copied nature


a girl standing next to a light bulb exploding with colours and a slogan - are you a creative person?

Video: How can limits boost creativity
Expressions: creative block, eureka moment, a flash of inspiration
Speaking: coming up with different uses for everyday objects


find what you love and and a slogan - what are you passionate about?

Vocabulary: Likes and dislikes (have a soft spot for, can’t get enough of, it’s not my thing, it’s not my cup of tea, it’s growing on me, it’s an acquired taste)
Video: How to find your passion
Speaking: Conversation questions, brainstorming


a person drawing a mandala symbol and a slogan - have you tried art therapy?

Vocabulary: art supplies
Video: the mental health benefits of art
Idioms: colors (tickled pink, see red, in a dark place)
